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GEL12-60 (12V60Ah)

Xhel 12v

GEL12-60 (12V60Ah)

  • Tensioni nominal 12 V (6 qeliza)
  • Norma e kapacitetit 20 or? (3,0A) @25℃ 60,0Ah @ deri n? 1,75V/qeliz?
  • Pesha P?raf?rsisht (18,0±3%) kg (39,7 lbs)
  • Rezistenca e Brendshme P?raf?rsisht 8,0 mΩ e karikuar plot?sisht @25℃
  • Gjat?sia 258 mm; 10.2 in?
  • Gjer?sia 169 mm; 6.65 in?
  • Lart?sia 175 mm; 6.89 in?
  • Lart?sia totale 180 mm; 7.09 in?

Karakteristikat dhe p?rfitimet


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