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Baterie de capacitate medie


  • Tensiune nominal? 12V (6 celule)
  • Capacitate 115 Ah
  • Greutate 30,8 kg
  • Terminal I6
  • Lungime 331 mm; 13.0 inch
  • l??ime 173 mm; 6,8 inchi
  • ?n?l?ime 217 mm; 8,5 inchi
  • Interval de temperatur? de func?ionare Desc?rcare: -20℃~60℃; ?nc?rcare: 0℃-50℃ Depozitare: -20℃~40℃
  • Material container ABS(UL94 HB)/UL94-V0 Op?ional

Caracteristici ?i beneficii

DuceMax2: Tehnologia de varf a bateriilor

PlumbulMax2Tehnologia este setat? s? redefineasc? standardele de stocare a energiei ?i putere. Tehnologia noastr? cuprinde o serie de progrese inovatoare denumite ?n mod colectiv tehnologia propriet??ii pl?ci LeadMax, menite s? ofere performan?e ?i longevitate de neegalat.
  • 2xdy

    DuceMax2Grile de anod din aliaj

  • 3cwf

    Design optimizat al nervurii grilei

  • 5kx4

    Formula proprie de past? de plumb Fusion



Basic Information

Application Details

Battery Specifications

Environmental Considerations

Additional Information

Do you have any other specific requirements or comments?

Could you provide the specifications of the previous battery used?