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Ike ndabere nkwuk?r?ta

Ike ndabere nkwuk?r?ta


Ngw?ta nchekwa nchekwa ike na-egbu egbu, eco-conscious maka ngwa d? iche iche. Ch?p?ta batr? dabara na ihe ? ch?r?.
Ike nkwado nkwuk?r?ta ozi (2)-peeji35fv7

Ike ndabere nkwuk?r?ta

N'?s? as?mpi nke ngw?ta nkwado ndabere nke nkwuk?r?ta, batr? ogologo oge na-eme ka ? kpuchie g? site n'ichep?ta ?h?? yana njirimara ar?m?r? siri ike. Ejiri usoro nkebi d? elu nke na-echebe ?n? ?z? site na sekit d? mkp?mkp? nwere ike, batr? ogologo oge na-eme ka ?r? ad?gh? akw?s? akw?s? ?b?na na gburugburu ebe ihe ?ma aka. N'igosip?ta nnukwu efere efere na usoro mado p?r? iche, batr? nd? a na-enye ogologo nd? ?r?, na-ekwe nkwa ?d?te aka na ?r? ?r? na-agbanwe agbanwe. Site na ar?m?r? d? elu yana ikike mwepu siri ike na-ezute oke ?n?ego ach?r?, batr? ogologo oge na-aka nke ?ma n'inye ikike chaja na-ese n'elu mmiri kw?siri ike, d? mkpa maka ngwa ike njikere d? oke mkpa. N'?b? nd? t?kwas?r? obi maka nt?kwas? obi na ?d? ogologo nd? ha, batr? nd? a na-anya isi nd? ?r? okpom?k? nke ihe kar?r? af? 2, na-eme ka ha b?r? nh?r? kachas? mma maka ngw?ta ike ndabere a p?r? ?dabere na ya na telecommunications.

Ihe ngosi ngwa nd? ?z?


Basic Information

Application Details

Battery Specifications

Environmental Considerations

Additional Information

Do you have any other specific requirements or comments?

Could you provide the specifications of the previous battery used?