For inquiries about our products or pricelist, please leave your email to us and we will be in touch within 24 hours.
Yüks?k etibarl?l?q, s?zma olmadan t?hlük?sizdir. ?st?nil?n istiqam?td? idar? oluna bil?r.
A?a?? temperaturda ?la ba?lan??c qabiliyy?ti. Yüks?k c?r?yan bo?almas? -18°C-d? s?naqdan ke?irilir v? -5°C 30 saniy?d?n ?ox davaml? olaraq bo?ald?la bil?r.
Yüks?k c?r?yan bo?almas?n?n yax?? d?vr ?mrü. Davaml? 200 d?vr yüks?k c?r?yan bo?almas?ndan sonra, ax?dma vaxt?n?n dem?k olar ki, he? bir z?ifl?m?si.
?la saxlama performans?. Avtomobilin f?vq?lad? hallarda i?? dü?m? qabiliyy?tin? t?sir etm?d?n tam doldurulduqdan v? 6 ay saxland?qdan sonra.
Do you have any other specific requirements or comments?
Could you provide the specifications of the previous battery used?